Zaproszenie na sympozjum p.t.: "Komunikacja międzykulturowa"

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w sympozjum "Komunikacja międzykulturowa", organizowanym przez Katedrę Socjologii Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie, które odbędzie się w dniach 17-18 listopada 2014 r. 

OSW Report: Forecasting migration between the EU, V4 and Eastern Europe. Impact of visa abolition

This report is the result of one year of multi-dimensional field research conducted by a international research team representing seven countries (Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova). It aims at a detailed analysis of migration patterns and migration forecasts from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova to the EU and the Visegrad Group (V4). In particular, the nexus between EU visa policy and migration dynamics as well as the impact of economic, political and institutional factors on migration patterns from Eastern Europe have been investigated.

MPC Report on Migration Stereotypes

The European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström and Prof. Philippe Fargues, the Director of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC), presented to the press the MPC Report “Is What We Hear About Migration Really True? Questioning Eight Migration Stereotypes” in Brussels on 11 July. 

MPC Publications

The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) is delighted to share with you the new Country reports of the INTERACT project (Researching Third Country Nationals’ Integration as a Three-way Process - Immigrants, Countries of Emigration and Countries of Immigration as Actors of

2.2 billion people are poor or near-poor, warns 2014 Human Development Report on vulnerability and resilience

Calls for universal provision of basic social services,  and stronger policies for social protection and full employment  to advance and secure development progress 

Persistent vulnerability threatens human development, and unless it is systematically tackled by policies and social norms, progress will be neither equitable nor sustainable. This is the core premise of the 2014 Human Development Report, launched here today by Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark and Director of the Human Development Report Office Khalid Malik.  

Latest Human Development Index shows overall slowdown in growth

In 16 countries human development levels for women are equal or higher than those for men  according to the new Gender Development Index    

Levels in human development continue to rise - yet the pace has slowed for all regions and progress has been highly uneven, according to the latest Human Development Index (HDI) included in the 2014 Human Development Report "Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience", published today by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).   
The lower human development groups appear to be improving at a higher rate - grounds for optimism that the gap between higher and lower human development groups is narrowing.