The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) invites contributions to its first interdisciplinary Ph.D. Conference on ‘Migration and Integration’ to be held on July 14-15 in Bamberg, Germany.
The conference provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their research with colleagues and leading scholars in the field. The conference panels cover a wide range of migration and integration-related topics in the social sciences:
- Education
- Labour market
- Policy analysis
- Language (e.g., acquisition, retention)
- Political participation and representation
- Cultural integration
- Social integration
In each session an invited senior participant will present his or her latest research and provide feedback on the papers presented in the session.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Richard Alba (City University of New York - Vice President of the American Sociological Association and President of the Eastern Sociological Society)
We invite Ph.D. students to submit an abstract (max. 350 words) in pdf format to
The application should include your contact information (name, affiliation and e-mail-address) and your preferred panel.
Submission deadline: April 15, 2014.
Corresponding authors will be notified about the outcomes of their applications by May 10, 2014. To allow for fruitful discussions at the conference, presenters will be asked to submit either an extended abstract (2-4 pages) or a paper (max. 8.000 words) by July 1, 2014.
More information is available on the ABC website: The fee for the optional conference dinner is 25 €. Participants may apply for a limited number of travel grants.