A new RMMS report: "Going West: contemporary mixed migration trends from the Horn of Africa to Libya & Europe"

This report is the 5th study of the RMMS mixed migration series explaining people on the move and is the result of  joint research by the RMMS and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) - Libya.

Another week, another boat arrives in Lampedusa. But what are the origins of these vessels and who is on board ? This study  contributes to a growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of the westward route of mixed migration from the Horn of Africa to Libya and Europe. It also charts the dynamic and changing nature of smuggler/migrant routes being used in the Horn of Africa and Yemen region and leaving it with especial focus on Eritreans, Ethiopians and Somalis on the move.

 The southern route is still ‘open’ and much used by smuggler / migrants but information and research indicates that the new trend is ‘Going West.’

This report adds strong qualitative information on the modalities of movement, the political economy of the smuggling / trafficking activities between the Horn of Africa and Europe and the severe human rights deficits facing those on the move. It also collates known academic, government level and research-based data while adding new information established in the course of this multi-country study – as such it is, as of June 2014, the most up-to-date collation of known information concerning mixed migration along these routes.

The full report can  be downloaded from the website: