The conference aims at exploring the impact of research on transnational
migration from the perspective of a range of disciplines in the social
sciences and humanities. Papers are welcome that answer the following
Has this strand of research contributed to the changes in the agenda and
methodologies of particular disciplines and what are the specific
disciplinary contributions to transnational migration as a research
field? Has research on transnational migration altered the funding and
publication priorities in the institutional contexts you are familiar
How has your own professional trajectory been affected by the research
on transnational migration? Which conceptual and methodological issues
have been crucial for your research, and which practical problems have
you encountered while working in this field?
Presentations of current research on issues pertaining to transnational migration, notably by PhD students, are also welcome.
Keynote speakers: NINA GLICK SCHILLER (Emerita, Social Anthropology,
Manchester) and THOMAS FAIST (Sociology, Bielefeld)
Invited presenters and discussants: RUSSELL KING (Human Geography,
Sussex), ÖSTEN WAHLBECK (Sociology, Helsinki), MARIE SANDBERG
(Ethnology/AMIS, Copenhagen), SYNNØVE BENDIXSEN (Social
Anthropology/IMER, Bergen), MARTA VILAR ROSALES (Anthropology, Lisbon),
KATHY BURRELL (Historical Geography, Liverpool)
The conference is convened by MAJA POVRZANOVIĆ FRYKMAN, Professor of
Ethnology, Department of Global Political Studies (GPS), and organised
with the help of INGRID JERVE RAMSØY, PhD student in Migration,
Urbanisation and Societal Change (MUSA) programme at the Faculty of
Culture and Society, Malmö University.
It is organised on behalf of TRANSMIG - the IMISCOE Research Group
placed at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and
Welfare (MIM), in collaboration with the Department of Global Political
Studies (GPS), Malmö University, and the Centre for Advanced Migration
Studies (AMIS), University of Copenhagen.
The conference is open to registered TRANSMIG members and non-members
alike. No registration fee will be charged. A volume will be edited,
based on selected conference presentations.
ABSTRACTS (200-250 words) should be sent to by 1 November 2014.
Notification of acceptance (and notificaton of funding for PhD students,
if available): 15 November 2014
1 December 2014
REGISTRATION deadline for participants without papers (to 29 December 2014
Keynote lectures will be open for MA students in
International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) at Malmö University
and for MA students in Advanced Migration Studies at AMIS in Copenhagen.