Call for Papers: Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2015, Vol. 3, No. 3

The forthcoming issue will focus on IMMIGRANT AND ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Issue editor: Jan Brzozowski (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
release: September 2015
papers submitting deadline: May 30, 2015

Covered Topics:
• Immigrant vs. ethnic businesses: theories, concepts and definitions
• Immigrant  economic  adaptation  and  entrepreneurship:  models  and strategies
• Immigrant entrepreneurship: necessity or opportunity-driven?
• Ethnic  enclave  development  and  entrepreneurship  in  new  immigration countries (esp. in Central and Eastern Europe)
• The  development/evolution  of  immigrant  and  ethnic  businesses:  from ethnic enclaves into the mainstream economy
• Immigrant  selective  policies  and  development  of  immigrant-owned businesses
• Social remittances and immigrant entrepreneurship
• Succession in immigrant family businesses: dissolution of "ethnic" features or reinforcement of ethnic traits?
• Immigrant entrepreneurship and assimilation
• Transnational  immigrant  entrepreneurship  and  the  sustainability  of transnational engagement over time
• Diaspora  economic  engagement  and  the  investments  of  immigrant enterprises in home countries

• Notification of the title of your paper until March 15, 2015.
• The complete articles must be submitted until May 31, 2015.

Final  submission  (with  issue  number)  should  be  sent  at  or  directly  to  the  issue  editor  at (Dr Jan Brzozowski).

Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship
ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Krakow, Poland
EBER Journal
Cracow University of Economics

The  concept of  the  Journal is  to provide a broad and unified platform  for  revealing and spreading  the  economics  and  management  research  focusing  on  entrepreneurship, entrepreneur  as  well  as  particular  and  specific  entrepreneurial  aspects.  It  attempts  to bridge  the  gap  between  the  theory  and  practice  in  different  sections  of  economics  and management.  The  Journal  is  trying  to  link  theory  and  practice  by  publishing  different types of articles, including research papers, conceptual papers, literature reviews, or case studies. The Journal accept the articles from the following fields:

- Entrepreneurship and Human Capital  (especially  entrepreneurship  and innovation,  strategic  entrepreneurship,    corporate  entrepreneurship,  new  trends  in
- HRM and organizational behaviour), 
- Management and Business Studies  (especially  entrepreneurial  management, entrepreneurial business, modern trends in business studies and organization theory), 
- International Business and International Economics  (especially  international entrepreneurship and new trends in international economics),
- Applied Economics and Statistics (especially the role of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur  in  economics  –  microeconomics  and  macroeconomics,  new  trends  in economics, current research in statistics and demography), 
- Public Policies and Business Education  (especially  policies  in  favour  of entrepreneurship,  innovation,  R&D  and  SMEs,  education  for  entrepreneurship,  new

Our  journal  is  indexed  on  the  IC  Master  Journals  List  (Index  Copernicus International),  BazEkon,  CEEOL,  ROAD,  WorldCat,  Econis,  Econbiz,  PBN  and Arianta. All  articles  are  available in  both  printed  and  electronic  format  (PDF)  at our website.

For  detailed  information  about  our  journal,  thematic  issues,  editorial requirements, as well as copyright statement and electronic versions of published papers please refer to our website: