Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series Issue 2 | Vol. 1 | March 2015

The Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series aims to contribute to the global knowledge base on the relationship between migration and environmental change, including climate change, and the formulation of related policy options. The series is produced as part of the Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) project funded by the European Union, implemented by IOM through a consortium with six research partners.

Remittances sent to low-income countries have been noticeably increasing, and for the households of these countries, remittances often represent an important source of income. During and after disasters, remittances may become even more important to deal with emergency and recovery needs.

Drawing on a research project based in Samoa and New Zealand, this Brief provides potential policy options to integrate remittances within current disaster risk management practices. This Brief identifies the need to take into account remittance flows when designing and implementing post-disaster interventions as well as some policy measures adopted during disasters that occurred in Samoa and in other countries, and which could be replicated in other comparable settings. This Brief calls for a better understanding of the role and impacts of remittances for both receivers and senders, and also calls for greater collaboration between governments, aid agencies and the private sector.

The release of this issue is timely, considering the wide acknowledgement of increasing importance of remittances in building community resilience and facilitating disaster recovery in the draft document, to be approved at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (14–18 March 2015).

The Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series welcomes submissions from policymakers and researchers worldwide. For inquiries on article submission, please contact the MECLEP team (MECLEP@iom.int).