Event number: 313D48
Areas of law: Criminal Law, Police Cooperation, Human Rights Law
The feasibility of the creation of a European System of Border Guards (ESBG), as indicated in the Stockholm Programme, is closely linked to the debate on the long-term development of Frontex and, as such, will influence its future as an EU Agency. This conference aims to provide input to the debate on the feasibility of a European System of Border Guards by looking, from a practitioner’s point of view, at the added value that such a system could bring. By focusing the discussion around different aspects such as the legal framework, the operational challenges, the necessary capacities as well as interagency cooperation- different stakeholders will be able to provide their views on the feasibility of an ESBG, notably which gaps it would fill, and what shape it should take - if any.
- Legal perspectives and possibilities under the Treaty of Lisbon for an ESBG.
- Options for enhanced operational coordination and integration of national border control operations.
- A more European approach in the development of national border management capacities.
- Integrated Border Management (IBM) with a focus on new avenues for cooperation with other agencies and bodies that would ensure more efficient cooperation at the EU’s external borders.
- There are three different workshops: Operations, Capacities and IBM - Interagency Cooperation. Please indicate the workshop you would like to register for in the relevant part of the registration form.
Who should attend?
Border control, law enforcement and customs officers, EU and Member States’ ministerial officials, academics and NGOs active in the field.