The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry "The Missed Opportunity of the “Ypres Guidelines” of the European Council Regarding Immigration and Asylum" by Philippe De Bruycker

On 27 June 2014 the European Council adopted the strategic guidelines for the legislative and operational planning of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice during the period 2014-2020. 
While it seems reasonable that those guidelines addressing primarily the immigration and asylum policies focus on the correct and effective implementation of the European instruments already in place, it is difficult not to be disappointed by their lack of ambition and priorities compared to the previous plans (Tampere,The Hague and Stockholm). These guidelines also represent a paradoxical turning point with no guidance given by the European Council at a moment when the Union of Freedom, Security and Justice is recognised as one of the 5 top priorities of the EU, which is not neutral from an institutional point of view. While the European Commission could be seen as the winner of this process, it may be a pyrrhic victory. The author pleads therefore for the launch of a detailed action plan prepared by the new Commission on a basis of inter-institutional cooperation with the Council of Ministers and in association with the European Parliament.