Final Report in MPI-ILO Series: Few European Governments Doing Enough to Assist Migrants' Progression Out of Low-Skilled Work

Many immigrants in Europe struggling to move out of low-skilled jobs; European governments have opportunities to prioritize policies to secure upward mobility

WASHINGTON and GENEVA — Against a backdrop of aging populations and persistently low economic growth, few European governments are doing enough to help recent immigrants move from low-skilled precarious jobs and into decent work, says a new report by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) and International Labour Organization (ILO). 

A new MPI Europe and the SIRIUS Policy Network Policy Brief "Developing School Capacity for Diversity"

Research shows that school quality has a greater impact on the education outcomes of migrant children compared to peers of higher socioeconomic status or ethnic majority background. Thus any comprehensive strategy to improve the educational position of migrant children in European schools must work to improve the quality of the schools themselves. 

MiReKoc 10th Year Symposium "Borders, Mobility, Diversity: Old Questions, New Challenges", Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc), Istanbul (20-21st November 2014)

The EUI Doctoral Programme

The application period for the  European University Institute’s (EUI) Doctoral Programme is now open. The deadline for submitting applications for the next academic year is 31 January 2015.

Przypomnienie: Termin rejestracji na konferencję "Metropolis" 2014, Ottawa (8-13 grudnia 2014) upływa 29. listopada 2014

The International Metropolis Project is an international network of researchers, policy makers, and community groups engaged in identifying, understanding, and responding to developments in migration and diversity. Through our efforts, we encourage the production and effective communication of policy-relevant knowledge amongst decision-makers, thought leaders, and practitioners. Our network includes partners from across North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific and is growing in Africa and Latin America.

A new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Policy Brief: "When the best option is a leaky boat: why migrants risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean and what Europe is doing about it" by Philippe Fargues and Sara Bonfanti (Migration Policy Centre, EUI)

The Mediterranean Sea is the most porous border between Europe and its neighbours and the world’s most dangerous border between countries that are not at war with each other. Three facts emerge: sea routes to Europe are anything but new; places of embarkation and disembarkation have changed in relation to controls; and the risk of dying at sea has considerably increased over the last decade.

A new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Policy Brief: "35 years of forced displacement in Iraq: contexualising the ISIS threat, unpacking the movements" by Cameron Thibos (Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI)

This brief situates the astonishing rise of the group Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham (ISIS) within Iraq’s much larger history of violent displacement. Looking across the past 35 years, it argues that ISIS may be distinct inasmuch as it has taken and held territory from Syria and Iraq, its violence is ‘non-state’, and it espouses a radically retrogressive ideology. But it is neither unique in its level of brutality nor is it an unprecedented threat to the well-being of Iraqi citizens. 

Portal H-Net Network on the global history of migration

Available at:

Przypomnienie: Call for papers for an international conference: "Social remittances and social change in Central Europe" (19-20th January 2015)

Centre of Migration Research at University of Warsaw together with University of Roehampton in London invite scholars from all range of disciplines to submit their papers to the international conference on: "Social remittances and social change in Central Europe", which will take place at University of Warsaw, Main Campus, Ball Room, Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace, Warsaw, 19-20th January 2015. 

A new MPC Working Paper "Tradable refugee-admission quotas : a policy proposal to reform the EU asylum policy" by Hillel Rapoport (Migration Policy Centre and Paris School of Economics) and Jesús Fernandez – Huertas (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA))

The current EU Asylum policy is widely seen as ineffective and unfair. We propose an EU-wide market for tradable quotas on both refugees and asylum-seekers coupled with a matching mechanism linking countries' and migrants' preferences. We show that the proposed system can go a long way towards addressing the shortcomings of the existing system. We illustrate this claim using the recent problems regarding relocation faced by the European Relocation from Malta (EUREMA) program.

Ósma konferencja Krajowej Sieci Migracyjnej p.t.:"Wyzwania wspólnej polityki powrotowej i rola Europejskiej Sieci Migracyjnej", Warszawa (2 grudnia 2014)

Zapraszamy do udziału w ósmej konferencji Krajowej Sieci Migracyjnej, której tematyka poświęcona będzie zagadnieniu wyzwań wspólnej polityki powrotowej w Europie i organizacji powrotów dobrowolnych i przymusowych cudzoziemców. Konferencja odbędzie się w dniu 2 grudnia 2014 roku w godzinach 09:30 - 17:00 w gmachu Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych (sala nr 421), przy ulicy Batorego 5 w Warszawie (wejście od ulicy Rakowieckiej 2A).

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