University of Warsaw, Main Campus, Ball Room, Tyszkiewicz‐Potocki Palace,
Warsaw, 19‐20th January 2015
Due to limited number of places, we kindly ask you to register to the conference by email at: by 10th of January 2015 at the latest.
Monday, 19th January 2015
9.00‐9.30 Registration
9.30‐9.45 Welcome by the Director of Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
9.45‐10.00 Welcome by the Deputy Rector of the University of Warsaw, Professor Anna
Session 1. Advancing the concept of social remittances
Chair: Dr. Michal P. Garapich, University of Roehampton, London
10.00‐10.35 Social Remittances: Looking Back and Moving Forward, Professor Peggy Levitt,
Sociology Department, Wellesley College
10.50‐11.20 Coffee break
11.20‐11.55 Unintended consequences of migration in sociological perspective, Professor Godfried Engbersen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
12.10‐12.45 Mechanisms of social remittances in the European Union Professor Izabela Grabowska, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, University of Social Sciences and Humanities
13.00‐14.00 Lunch
Session 2. Social remittances and social change in Central EuropeChair: Professor Izabela Grabowska, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, University of Social Sciences and Humanities
14.00‐14.30 Modernising regional Romania by migration, Professor Dumitru Sandu, Centre for Migration Studies, University of Bucharest
14.30‐15.00 Modernising role of migration. Poland as a case study, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Professor Marek Okolski (TBC) and Dr. Pawel Kaczmarczyk, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
15.00‐ 15.30 Conceptualising social remittances: migration cultures and the ‘meso’ level?, Professor Anne White, University College London
15.45‐16.00 Coffee break
16.00‐16.30 Resistance to social remittances, Dr. Michal Garapich, University of Roehampton, London (partner institution)
16.30‐17.00 Social remittances: communication channels and consumption oriented strategies of Latvian migrants, Dr. Elina Apsie‐Berina, Department of Human Geography, University of Latvia, Dr. Maris Berzins, Centre for Migration and Urban Studies, Department of Geography, University of Tartu, Professor Zaiga Krisjane, Department of Human Geography, University of Latvia
17.00‐17.30 Skills returns‐ remigration experiences of experts and scientists in the post‐socialists transition context of Croatia, Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia
19.00 Cocktail reception (TBC)
Tuesday, 20th January 2015
Session 3. Researching social remittances and social change
Chair: Professor Godfried Engbersen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
9.30‐ 10.00 Researching into social remittances: Methodological implications, dilemmas and ways ahead, Dr. Paolo Boccagni, University of Trento
10.00‐10.30 Narrating social remittances: different context, different story, Dr. Aleksandra Galasinska, University of Wolverhampton
10.45‐11.15 Coffee break
11.15‐11.45 Migrants and social change. Case of Polish local societies, Professor Dariusz Niedzwiedzki, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
11.45‐12.15 Return migrants as the actor of social change? The case of Poland, Dr. Mariusz Dzieglewski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow
12.15‐12.45 Discussion
12.45‐13.45 Lunch
Session 4. Social remittances from the perspective of communities of destination
Chair: Dr. Agata Gorny, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
13.45‐14.15 Engendering social remittances‐ Polish women in Western Europe and intergenerational flows of feminised caring, Dr. Magdalena Slusarczyk and Paulina Pustulka, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
14.15‐14.45 The temporality of social remittances: Rapid change and diversification among Polish migrants in Norway, Marta Bivand Erdal, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
15.15‐ 15.45 Coffee break
15.45‐16.15 Social remittances and the contemporary Polish society. Evidence from fieldwork in Europe and United States, Dr. Jakub Isanski, Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
16.15‐16.45 Women’s social remittances and their decision making capacity: A case study of educational migrant’s returnee women of Nepal, Laxmi Dhuingel, PhD Student, Kathamandu University
17.15‐17.30 Invitation to submit papers to the Special Issue of Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Dr. Agata Gorny Editor‐in‐Chief, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
17.30‐18.00 Summary and discussion about the conference, Dr. Michal Garapich, University of Roehampton, London and Professor Izabela Grabowska, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, University of Social Sciences and Humanities
18.00 End of the conference