New MPI Policy Brief " Migrant Education and Community Inclusion: Examples of Good Practice" by Rafael Berger Sacramento

Besides teachers and tutors, a number of people will have the chance to play important roles in the social and educational development of young learners. Parents, peers, and other community actors outside the formal educational context can provide direct academic help, as well as offer support in addressing interpersonal issues and serve as role models motivating children in their educational path and furthering their involvement in society. Migrant communities and parents often have high aspirations for their children, and can provide emotional support that will help students in school matters and general life issues. 

Policymakers in the European Union have begun to recognize immigration as a fundamental phenomenon to be considered across educational measures. In 2008, the European Commission's Green Paper set important guidelines for the education of migrants, highlighting the importance of involving migrant communities in schools, addressing the learning needs of both children and parents, and taking into account both parents' and childrens' expectations of school. However, important steps have yet to be taken to reach the international goals set by European leaders and to truly improve integration and social cohesion.

This policy brief reviews current measures to promote the integration of migrant students around Europe, specifically those policies and government-backed projects that include the family and community as an integral part of the educational process. The brief focuses on seven examples of good practices that might serve as an inspiration for educational policies across the continent.
