The Conference brings together the research community and professionals to discuss the ‘best interests’ concept by reference to unaccompanied migrant children and youth. The aim of the Conference is to assess past developments, analyse current situations and explore issues concerning the best interests of unaccompanied migrant children and youth across jurisdictions. This will be done from a variety of perspectives, with attention being paid to social, cultural, legal, health, housing and other relevant aspects.
International Conference on Female Migration - Maltepe University Human and Humanities Application & Research Center (MUTAM) and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Maltepe University, İstanbul, TURKEY (30-31 July 2015)
The goal of the conference is to analyse and to explore causes, problems, difficulties, opportunities, prospects, achievements and outcomes for female immigrants and female labour migrants in host countries. We welcome individual papers from different disciplines doing cultural, cross-cultural and multi-cultural research relating to the migration of women and gender issues (migration studies, economy, psychology, medicine, management, sociology, anthropology, gender studies etc.).
Migration Research Center at Koç University International Summer School "Diasporas and Transnational Communities" (29 June-10 July 2015)
The Call for Applications is now opened. Submissions are due by midnight GMT on Sunday, 25 April 2015.
year MiReKoc Summer School will explore the theme of “Diasporas and
Transnational Communities”. Described as “awkward dance partners” by
Thomas Faist, the concepts of diasporas and transnational communities
have been increasingly coined together within the international
migration scholarship in the last decades. While the old concept of
diaspora has initially been used to characterize specific (and usually
victimized) populations living outside of an (imagined) homeland, the
term of transnational communities was taken into account within the
larger framework of transnationalism studies, evoking continuous ties
across states’ physical borders. Even though many scholars agree that
both terms address cross-border linkages of certain populations, the
intellectual debate lingers on how well the two terms overlap with each
Konferencja p.t.: „Skąd się wzięli warszawiacy. Konsekwencje społeczne, ekonomiczne i kulturowe migracji”
Muzeum Warszawy zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w konferencji „Skąd się wzięli warszawiacy. Konsekwencje społeczne, ekonomiczne i kulturowe migracji”, która odbędzie się w dniach 3-4 grudnia 2015 r. w Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi. Celem konferencji jest interdyscyplinarne ujęcie problemu migracji i pochodzenia mieszkańców Warszawy w szerokiej perspektywie chronologicznej, od momentu założenia miasta do czasów współczesnych oraz konsekwencji społecznych, ekonomicznych i kulturowych tego zjawiska. Chcielibyśmy zająć się problematyką integrowania się migrantów i kształtowania się społeczności lokalnych.
Call is open for the 2015 European Young Researchers’ Award
EuroScience is the non-profit independent grassroots association of European scientists (in all areas of knowledge) and those interested in science, whether in public sector institutions, universities, research institutes or the business sector. From its inception in 1997, EuroScience has been active in shaping policies for science, technology and innovation (STI), from the discussions leading to the European Charter and Code for Researchers, to establishing the ERC, or the shaping of Horizon 2020 and its budget in the EU Financial Framework 2014-2020. EuroScience also plays a key role in promoting dialogue between Science and Society, notably through the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) meetings which have been organised since 2004, and its webmagazine EuroScientist.
Raport Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka p.t.:"Wychodząc z cienia. Badanie prawnych, politycznych i społecznych konsekwencji programu regularyzacyjnego 2012"
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka opublikowała
raport "Wychodząc z cienia. Badanie prawnych, politycznych i społecznych
konsekwencji programu regularyzacyjnego 2012". Głównym celem publikacji
była ocena wdrożenia ustawy regularyzacyjnej przez polskie organy
administracyjne i poznanie doświadczeń cudzoziemców, którzy uregulowali
swój pobyt w Polsce.
Call for papers: “Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia”(10 points according to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education List)
Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia publishes research results in all economic fields. The aim of this journal is to become the source of high quality research related to finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics and other fields of economics. The language of the journal is English. FOS publishes research and review articles in electronic and paper version. The primary mission of FOS is to assist European researchers in communicating their achievements to the global scientific community, nevertheless, contributions from other regions of the world are by no means excluded. We assist researchers to polish up the language of submitted articles. All authors receive very fast and comprehensive double blind peer-review. The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
CfP: Special Issue Proposals for East European Politics
editors of East European Politics (EEP) would like to receive themed
special issue proposals for Volume 33 (2017). We seek collections of
excellent research articles on any aspect of the government, politics,
and international relations of the post-communist space. EEP covers the
entire post-communist region, including East Central and Southeastern
Europe, Russia, and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union.
Teaching position - Qualitative Research Methods - UPF Master Degree
Teaching possibilities for one course on qualitative research methods (addressed
to students both from the Master on Current Democracies and from the
Master on Immigration Studies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).