According to the European
Commission, unemployment reached 24.6 million people in August 2014, out
of which 5 million are aged 15 and 24. Millions of youngsters across
Europe are struggling to find a job or to further their education,
facing a world from which they increasingly feel disconnected with. The
economic recession has forced many to accept unpaid internships or
become long-term unemployed – which leads to a lack of confidence,
social exclusion, poorer health, depression and even suicide.
There is a need to promote urgent, targeted measures supporting young
people’s school-to-work transition, while investing in longer-term
structural reforms. With a budget of €6 billion for the period 2014 -
2020, the Youth Employment Initiative aims to support NEETs in EU
regions most affected by youth unemployment.
Also, following the Council and European Parliament’s Decision to
improve the effectiveness of public employment services through closer
cooperation, the Public Employment Services Network was launched in
September 2014. It aims to support Member States further to coordinate
their policies and actions against unemployment.
This timely International Symposium provides an invaluable
opportunity to discuss the challenges behind current unemployment trends
in the EU. Delegates will have the opportunity to examine initiatives
and innovative projects that have been implemented to tackle youth
unemployment and social exclusion at national and EU levels. This
Symposium will also allow delegates to exchange best practices and
discuss solutions to boost employment in the EU.
For further details, please refer to the enclosed event brochure. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.
For further details, please refer to the enclosed event brochure. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.
In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, in order to secure your delegate place(s) please register online: