Seminar Framework
One major problem faced by immigrants and their descendants when entering the arts in their host
countries has been the marginalisation of their artistic works. This problem did not start with
migration. It can be traced back to the unequal structures governing global artistic fields since
the 19
th century at the latest. Even today, it is much easier for North-Western artists to
gain international recognition than for other artists who have to move to one of the Western
artistic metropolises, such as New York, Paris or Amsterdam, in order to attract wider interest in
their works.
When migrants moved to the Western world in greater numbers, these unequal structures were
perpetuated within the Western centres. Artists have protested against these exclusionary
structures and campaigned for recognition of their works on a par with Western works ever since,
with one of the first protests being the négritude movement in 1930s Paris. European states, such
as Sweden and the Netherlands, took up these claims as early as the 1970s and 80s. However, the
policies they introduced at the time to support migrant art and culture tended to push artists into
ethnic niches, thus perpetuating the unequal structures mentioned above. Only since the late 1990s
there has been a change in cultural policies towards the inclusion of migrants into the artistic
mainstream. However, some major cultural institutions initiated more inclusionary programmes even
before state and city governments changed their policies.
This new trend towards the inclusion of migrants in the cultural and artistic mainstream will be
central to our work programme. We seek paper proposals that intend to analyse this change from
several perspectives:
- Mobilisation of migrants for inclusion
- Initiatives of cultural institutions to stimulate inclusion and
- Municipal, regional and state policies facilitating inclusion
We are particularly interested in how far such inclusionary programmes change the understanding
of art and culture in the respective context. Contributions to our work could focus on one
particular context or one particular artistic field and analyse the changes from all three
perspectives described above. However, we are also interested in contributions taking up one
particular initiative and analysing it in more detail.
Applications: Proposals should be sent to and, specifying "GRITIM-UPF/IMISCOE
SEMINAR 2015" as a subject.
Deadline: 22nd, June, 2015. Submissions will be discussed
and selected by coordinators during
12th IMISCOE Annual Conference (Geneva, June 25-27, 2015). Reply will be delivered in not more
than one week after the deadline.
Proposals should be in English and should include:
- Short CV (max. 200 words)
- Institution and area of research
- Title (max. 10 words)
- Abstract (max. 450 words)
The standing committee has limited funding for travel to and accommodation in Barcelona.
Applications should include a short statement whether the applicant will need such funds and an
estimate of the amount needed.
This Workshop Seminar is a research initiative of the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Popular Art,
Diversity and Cultural Policies in Post-Migration Urban Settings (POPADIVCIT)
Every year, at the end of September Barcelona holds its largest worldwide known City Festival:
the Barcelona La Mercè Festival. This festival will be hold
during the week when this seminar takes place.
Standing Committee Framework
Committee POPADIVCIT was founded in 2010 and has over the past four years continued to bring
together researchers in a variety of forums to discuss and collaborate. This work has seen the
organisation and successful completion of nine workshops and led to several publications (for
selected publications, see below). In 2014 the committee held two workshops: one entitled
Immigration and cultural policy: debating new research trends in post-migration studies
held at the Council of European Studies Conference in Washington in March and one entitled
The direct and indirect consequences of the economic crisis on immigrant and ethnic minorities'
arts and culture held at the IMISCOE annual conference in Madrid. This current Workshop
seeks to open a research line on how immigrants are incorporated into mainstream cultural
Selected publications
Martiniello M. (2015). Immigrants, ethnicized minorities and the arts: a relatively neglected
research area",
Ethnic and Racial Studies DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.998694
Martiniello M. (Ed.) (2014).
Multiculturalism and the Arts in European Cities, London and New York: Routledge
Martiniello M., Lafleur J.-M. (2008). "Ethnic Minorities' Cultural Practices as Forms of
Political Expression : A Review of the Literature and a Theoretical discussion on Music", in
Ethnic Minorities' Cultural Practices as Forms of Political Expression.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol.34, n°8, November, 1191-1215 (special issue,
edited by M. Martiniello and J-M Lafleur)
Martiniello, M. and Lafleur, J.-M. (2008). Ethnic Minorities' Cultural Practices as Forms of
Political Expression,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special issue, 34, 8.
Sievers, Wiebke (2014). A contested terrain: immigrants and their descendants in Viennese
Identities 21, 1, 26-41 (special issue: Artistic separation vs. mixing in multicultural
cities, edited by Marco Martiniello). DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2013.828622
Sievers, W. (2014). From others to artists? Immigrant and ethnic minority art. In
Martiniello, Marco and Rath, Jan (Eds.)
An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies. European Perspectives, Amsterdam,
Amsterdam University Press, 305-324. Open access:
Sievers, W. (2014). How Turkish is it? Art and culture in Vienna.
Migration Letters, 11, 3, 329-339. Open access:
Sievers, W. (2013). Literature and migration. In Ness, Immanuel (Ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, St. Albans, Wiley.
Zapata-Barrero, R. (2015). Diversity and cultural policy: cultural citizenship as a tool for
International Journal of Cultural Policy, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1015533
Zapata-Barrero, R. (2014). The limits to shaping diversity as public culture: Permanent
festivities in Barcelona.
Cities: The international Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 37, 66-72.
Zapata-Barrero, R. (2010). Cultural policies in contexts of diversity: the city as a setting for
innovation and opportunities.
Dossier Documentaire 2010: Contributions des experts sur les politiques culturelles,
Zapata-Barrero, R. (2010).
Diversidad y política cultural. La ciudad como escenario de innovación y de oportunidades.
Barcelona:Icaria [Diversity and cultural policy: the city as scenario for innovation
and opportunities]