Badań nad Migracjami Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego wraz z The German
Marshall Fund of the United States serdecznie zapraszają na wykład pt. "The
American way of border control and immigration reform politics", który
wygłosi Profesor Rey Koslowski (Department of Political Science,
University at Albany - SUNY).
An International conference "Migrant Mothers caring for the future", Clarence Centre, London South Bank University (18-19th September 2014)
This international multidisciplinary conference engages with
perspectives from cultural studies, cultural geography, sociology,
migration studies, and the creative arts to explore how migrant mothers
realise and problematise their role in bringing up future citizens in
contemporary societies, which are increasingly characterised ethnic,
racial, religious, cultural and social diverse.
It will ask important questions about the processes that shape
migrant mothers’ cultural and caring work in enabling their children to
occupy a place as future citizens. It also interrogates how immigration
and integration policies produce particular obstacles and limitations
for migrant families and children.
A new MPC Working Paper "The fuzzy lines of international migration: a critical assessment of definitions and estimates in the Arab countries" by Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI
Since emigration and immigration plug into the highly sensitive and
subjective issues of nationhood and identity, the definition of what a
migrant is and is not, and the dissemination of knowledge about
international migration are themselves intrinsically subjective matters.
Since statistics are produced out of data routinely collected by state
administrations and because international migration moves individuals
from one state to another, data on international migration are by their
very nature difficult to collect and require international harmonisation
of statistical procedures.
Call for Papers: International Conference "Cross-border migration and its implications for the Central European Area" (5-7th November 2014)
The objective of this regional international conference is to evaluate both the positive and problematic nature of crossborder migration, and highlight the need for politicians to deal with the problematic side of migration. The need to focus attention on this issue has been brought about by the fact that Central European countries form not only the transit countries of these migrations, but also countries from which immigrants leave to work abroad. At the same time, these countries are gradually becoming countries of destination for migrants.
A new Migration Policy Institute Europe policy brief "Strengthening refugee protection and meeting challenges: The European Union’s next steps on asylum" by Madeline Garlick
As increasing numbers of asylum seekers and migrants
undertake precarious journeys by land and sea to reach Europe, the
European Union is at a key juncture in its asylum and migration
policy-making cycle. The European Council will convene at the end of
June to agree upon strategic guidelines intended to set the tone and
parameters for future policy-making for the 2014-2020 period in the area
of Justice and Home Affairs.
A new MPC Policy Brief "One million Syrians in Lebanon : a milestone quickly passed" by Cameron Thibos (Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI)
Lebanon received its one-millionth refugee from Syria on April 3rd, an
event that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
the UN’s refugee agency, called a “devastating milestone.”
Unfortunately, markers such as these only show the distance travelled
but not how far is left to go. This one was quickly passed and there is
still no end in sight.
Call for proposals 2014: Small Grants for Research Papers
Instytut Badań Strukturalnych w ramach programu Network for Jobs and Development zaprasza naukowców, pracowników badawczych do składania artykułów dotyczących obszarów tematycznych wymienionych poniżej. Preferowane będą artykuły o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym i międzysektorowym, zorientowane na rekomendacje dla polityki gospodarczej.
Conference: Polish Migrants' Experience of Life in the UK since 2004, University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (17-18 April 2015)
Ten years since Poland’s EU accession, it seems appropriate to take stock of the current state of knowledge about Polish migration to the UK. Public discourse in the UK has focused largely on the impact of Polish migration on the British economy and public services. By contrast, scholarly research has tended to explore the perspectives of Poles themselves.
Master in Immigration Management at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra
We would like to inform
you that the deadline for applying for the Master in Immigration
Management or the double degree program in immigration studies is on the 28th of June.
Apply now for the Universitat Pompeu Fabra official Master in Immigration Management for next academic course 2014/2015!. The master will be taught in English by internationally recognised experts.
Workshop: Climate change, migration, neoliberalism (11-12 September 2014)
purpose of this workshop is to pose the question of neoliberalism to
the phenomenon of climate change and migration. The central question the
workshop will address is:
is the relationship between neoliberal imaginaries, discourses and
policy-making and the phenomenon of climate change-induced migration?
Workshop: “From Immigrants to Citizens? Middle Eastern Christian Identities in Europe”, University of Lodz, Poland, 21-22 October 2014
This workshop will bring scholars together to critically engage with
issues relating to the experiences of Middle Eastern Christians as
migrants and citizens in Europe. It is organized by the research team
collaborating on the project “Defining and Identifying Middle Eastern
Christian Communities in Europe” (DIMECCE), funded by the European
Commission’s HERA initiative (Humanities in the European Research Area).
Selected papers will be invited to contribute to a planned edited
A new MPI Policy Brief: "Future EU policy development on immigration and asylum: Understanding the challenge" by Elizabeth Collett
A new Migration Policy Institute Europe brief highlights the challenges that the European Council faces in the
immigration and asylum policy realm, and puts forward a set of broad
considerations for post-Stockholm Programme policy development.
Panel dyskusyjny pt.: "Ukraina w białoruskim obiektywie: ważąc społeczne i gospodarcze koszty i korzyści" (9 czerwca 2014)
Wydarzenie odbędzie się 9 czerwca 16:00-18:00 w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa.
Call for papers: International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology ISSN 2162-1357 (Print), ISSN 2162-1381 (Online)
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology
(IJBHT) is an open access,
peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary journal published by Center
for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The
objective of IJBHT is to provide a forum for the publication of scientific articles
in the fields of business, humanities and technology. In pursuit of this
objective the journal not only publishes high quality research papers but also
ensures that the published papers achieve broad international credibility.
A new RMMS report: "Going West: contemporary mixed migration trends from the Horn of Africa to Libya & Europe"
This report is the 5th study of the RMMS mixed migration series explaining people on the move and is the result of joint research by the RMMS and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) - Libya.
week, another boat arrives in Lampedusa. But what are the origins of
these vessels and who is on board ? This study contributes to a growing
body of evidence highlighting the importance of the westward route of
mixed migration from the Horn of Africa to Libya and Europe. It also
charts the dynamic and changing nature of smuggler/migrant routes being
used in the Horn of Africa and Yemen region and leaving it with especial
focus on Eritreans, Ethiopians and Somalis on the move.
A new MPC Policy Brief: "What does language transmission within mixed families tell us about integration and multilingualism in the EU?" by Anne Unterreiner (Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI)
There is a gap between EU multilingual policies and language policies
for migrants. In this context, migration is not seen as an asset. Rather
it is a problem to be solved through assimilation. Migrants’
multilingualism is, likewise, not considered an asset for society as a
whole. In this context, research into the transmission of multiple
languages within families is relevant for better understanding the
processes under examination.
A new MPC Working Paper: "Regional out-migration patterns in Russia" by Zuzanna Brunarska (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw)
Russian society has been perceived by many scholars as relatively
immobile. Migration abroad is indeed not as common in Russia as it is,
for example, in Ukraine or Moldova, whose citizens migrate abroad in
large numbers to improve their living standards. Leaving aside the
deliberations whether Russians are less mobile than other big world
populations this text concentrates on differences between Russian
regions in patterns of mobility focusing on migration outflows. Given
the size of the country and socio-economic diversity of its regions,
Russia constitutes an interesting object of investigations.
A new MPC Working Paper: "Labour Market Outcomes and Egypt’s Migration Potential" by Mona Amer (FESP, Cairo University) and Philippe Fargues (Migration Policy Centre, EUI)
Will the radical political changes Egypt has gone through since early
2011 have an impact on emigration from the country? This all depends on
young Egyptian adults, who are the potential migrants of tomorrow. In
order to understand the consequences of the Egyptian revolution might
for migration, a questionnaire survey was conducted amongst Egyptian
youth in 2013. The objective of this paper is to analyse the Egyptian
labour market together with Egyptian migration to see whether changing
conditions in the labour market, in particular after the revolution of
25 January 2011, may affect migration.
A new book released and edited by officials of the Ministry of the Interior of Austria
Metropolis would like to draw your
attention to a book just released and edited by officials of the
Ministry of the Interior of Austria. An interesting and useful linking
together of many policy issues.