Nowości wydawnicze luty-marzec 2015

A new Migration Policy Institute Europe policy brief: "The development of EU policy on immigration and asylum: Rethinking coordination and leadership"

A new Migration Policy Institute Europe policy brief, The development of EU policy on immigration and asylum: Rethinking coordination and leadership, makes the case for adjustment to the underlying mechanics of policymaking in the European space, finding that migration and asylum policy debates must expand beyond the home affairs portfolio and become more of a whole-of-government concern. The current structure inhibits debate, coordination, and the identification of policy solutions across portfolios, MPI Europe Director Elizabeth Collett finds. 

A new Migration Policy Institute Europe report: "Not Adding Up: The fading promise of Europe’s Dublin System"

BRUSSELS — The effective functioning of the European Union’s Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is under increased scrutiny, as the rising number of asylum seekers in Europe has thrown existing divergences in national asylum policies and practice into relief.
The Dublin system, once viewed as the cornerstone of the CEAS, has been vilified as a failure of solidarity and burden-sharing among EU Member States, which confront different realities and pressures in coping with rising humanitarian and irregular migration flows. 

Debata "Być migrantką w Polsce" (19 marca 2015)

Debata o społecznej i ekonomicznej sytuacji cudzoziemek oraz polska premiera dokumentu "This is my home now", 19 marca 2015 roku, siedziba Gazety Wyborczej, ul. Czerska 8/10. Wstęp wolny!

Migration Policy Practice "Special issue: Migration Outlook for 2015"

What will the key migration policy challenges be in various regions of the world in the course of 2015? Are the levels and structure of migration flows likely to evolve, for example in terms of types of migration, source countries, and number and profiles of migrants? And what will be the key policy debates around migration policy in 2015, for example in terms of draft legislation and/or new policy and programme interventions, political milestones (e.g. national or local elections) and public opinion trends? 

The Zolberg Institute Visiting Scholar Call for Applications

The Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility (ZIMM) welcomes applications for the position of Visiting Scholar for the 2015-2016 academic year, from individuals whose research, teaching and work intersects the fields of migration studies and mobility, broadly construed. With that, we are accepting applications from scholars who are committed to the research philosophy of the Institute and the thematic and topical interests that the institute aims to foster.

Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series Issue 2 | Vol. 1 | March 2015

The Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series aims to contribute to the global knowledge base on the relationship between migration and environmental change, including climate change, and the formulation of related policy options. The series is produced as part of the Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) project funded by the European Union, implemented by IOM through a consortium with six research partners.

POLISH AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (PAHA), 73rd Annual Meeting: “Global Migrations: Empires, Nations, and Neighbors”, Atlanta (January 2016)

PAHA's 73rd Annual Meeting will be held on January 7-10, 2016 in Atlanta as part of the 130th American Historical Association's Annual Conference. The theme for the 2016 AHA conference is “Global Migrations: Empires, Nations, and Neighbors.” It provides an excellent opportunity for the Polish American Historical Association to showcase research carried out by its members, as well as to present it in a comparative perspective. Therefore we invite scholars who work on the Polish American experience as well as those who deal either with migration, ethnic, or regional studies and would like to present their findings within the forum presented by the PAHA. We invite session proposals that foster international, comparative perspectives which include the Polish American experience, as well as individual papers dealing with the above mentioned themes.

Spotkanie w Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka (26 marca 2015)

Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka zaprasza na spotkanie prezentujące wyniki raportu dotyczącego programu regularyzacyjnego 2012, który został przygotowany w ramach projektu "Wychodząc z cienia. Badanie prawnych, politycznych i społecznych konsekwencji programu regularyzacyjnego 2012" współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu na rzecz Integracji Obywateli Państw Trzecich oraz budżetu państwa.

Annual Conference on European Migration Law 2015, Brussels (7-8 May 2015)

Key topics:
• Focus on Labour Migration
• Recent Developments in Case Law and Legislation• Conditions of entry and residence of labour migrants: highly-skilled workers, intra-corporate transferees, seasonal workers, students and researchers
• Coherence of the EU legislative framework
• Challenges and best practices in the implementation of the Blue Card Scheme
• Intra-EU mobility
• Attractiveness of the single residence permit and labour migrants’ rights
• Latest developments in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights 

Migration Research Center at Koç University International Summer School: "Diasporas and Transnational Communities" (29 June-10 July 2015)

This year MiReKoc Summer School will explore the theme of “Diasporas and Transnational Communities”. Described as “awkward dance partners” by Thomas Faist, the concepts of diasporas and transnational communities have been increasingly coined together within the international migration scholarship in the last decades. While the old concept of diaspora has initially been used to characterize specific (and usually victimized) populations living outside of an (imagined) homeland, the term of transnational communities was taken into account within the larger framework of transnationalism studies, evoking continuous ties across states’ physical borders. Even though many scholars agree that both terms address cross-border linkages of certain populations, the intellectual debate lingers on how well the two terms overlap with each other.

Conference: "Migration in a historical and contemporary perspective, similarities and differences in perception and reception of immigrants and emigrants", Utzon center, Aalborg (20-21 of May, 2015)

Labour migration has throughout history repeatedly influenced Denmark and the rest of the world demographically, culturally, socially and politically. Each wave of migration has been perceived as special in the receiving countries and in the sending countries that may have lost a number of fellow citizens.

New Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Corridor Reports

A new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) INTERACT report: "Integration policy and activities in Poland" by Renata Stefańska (Research Associate at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw)

This report aims to present integration activities undertaken by state and non-state institutional actors at the national and local level in Poland. Up to now, the issue of immigrant integration in Poland has been neither a social nor a political problem, which can be explained in particular by the fact that foreigners constitute only a small portion of Polish society.

A new Migration Policy Institute Europe report, Supporting Immigrant Integration in Europe: What Role for Origin Countries’ Subnational Authorities?

The substantial role that subnational authorities in EU Member States play in the governance of migrant integration is widely recognised; far less is known about the role of corresponding authorities in migrant-sending countries. 

Unlocking the Potential of Migrants in Europe: From Isolation to Multi-level Integration, Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre (27th May 2015)

Over the last decade, migration flows increased in most EU Member States, with migrants from third countries accounting for around four percent of the total EU population, according to the European Commission. At the same time, Europe is confronted with an ageing population and a shrinking workforce – which leads to labour and skills shortages that will challenge economic growth prospects. 

Rethinking integration: New perspectives on adaptation and settlement in an era of superdiversity, Birmingham, UK (2nd July 2015)

IRiS and SAST Conference, Birmingham 2 July 2015 The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham, together with the project Social Anchoring in Superdiverse Transnational Social Spaces (SAST) is organising a one-day interdisciplinary conference which will focus upon theories on and research into adaptation and integration in an era of superdiversity. The conference will allow for the exchange of ideas and formulation of future research agendas to inform academics, practitioners and policy makers which can enable the facilitation of processes of adaptation and integration. The conference will feature invited plenaries and panels on topics related to the processes of adaptation and integration in emerging superdiverse societies.