Zaproszenie do udziału w badaniu Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Zapraszamy do udziału w badaniu PAR Migration Navigator, realizowanym przez Polską Akademię nauk i Uniwersytet Gdański. Badamy, jak żyje się Polakom i Polkom w Polsce oraz naszym rodakom w Norwegii. Czy życie na emigracji wpływa na relacje w związku, a wychowywanie dzieci różni się od tego w Polsce? Twoje anonimowe odpowiedzi pomogą nauce, a cały projekt dzięki informacjom od badanych wspomoże wymianę dobrych praktyk między Polską a Norwegią.

Zaproszenie na warsztaty: "Nowa perspektywa finansowa 2014-2020 dla sektora nauki, badań i rozwoju", Warszawa (30 lipca 2014)

- jak się przygotować do skutecznego pozyskiwania środków unijnych
Warszawa, 30 lipca 2014 r

International Conference "The “next step” in the development of the civil society in Central and Eastern Europe?", Institute for Western Affairs, Poznań, Poland (4-5th December 2014)

The Poznan branch of Polish Sociological Association, The Institute for Western Affairs and the Institute of Sociology at Adam Mickiewicz University invites applications for the conference: The “next step” in the development of the civil society in Central and Eastern Europe? to be held at the Institute for Western Affairs, Poznań, Poland, 4-5 December 2014.

International Conference: "Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration", Barcelona, Spain (24-25th July 2014)

The United Nations University, Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM, Barcelona, Spain) is delighted to invite you to its second conference entitled "Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration", which will take place on the 24th and 25th of July, 2014, in the UNU-GCM offices, Barcelona, Spain. 

Vacancy notice: PhD Position in Migration and Entrepreneurship (Ph.D. researcher, TRANSMIC ITN Marie Curie project)

ITN Marie Curie TRANSMIC project ‘Transnational Migration, Citizenship and the Circulation of Rights and Responsibilities’ (TRANSMIC) is a project funded under the European Commission’s Marie Curie actions.This Initial Training Network will run from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2018.

A new MPC Working Paper "The fuzzy lines of international migration: a critical assessment of definitions and estimates in the Arab countries" by Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI

Since emigration and immigration plug into the highly sensitive and subjective issues of nationhood and identity, the definition of what a migrant is and is not, and the dissemination of knowledge about international migration are themselves intrinsically subjective matters. Since statistics are produced out of data routinely collected by state administrations and because international migration moves individuals from one state to another, data on international migration are by their very nature difficult to collect and require international harmonisation of statistical procedures. 

Call for papers: International Conference "Cross-border migration and its implications for the Central European Area"

Slovak Commission for UNESCO - MOST Programme in collaboration with the National Commission for UNESCO - MOST Programme of the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary and the Polish and the Austrian Commission for UNESCO and in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Center of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, invite you to participate in the international conference
Cross -border migration and its implications for the Central European Area.

Nowości wydawnicze czerwiec - lipiec 2014

Call for papers "2014/2016 Topic: Diasporas, nation states and mainstream societies in Central and Eastern Europe"

Demographic and socio-economic changes affecting the development of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe are among the most significant challenges for the future of social cohesion and solidarity building in our societies. ERSTE Foundation invites researchers, scientists and practitioners from Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe to do research on topics dealing with economic and social demographic change. The fellowships are awarded based on a proposal for a research paper dealing with the issues listed below, in a theoretical, empirical or practical way.