IMISCOE Research Group TRANSMIG – Transnational Practices in Migration announces CALL FOR PAPERS for the conference "TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION: DISCIPLINARY IMPACTS", Malmö University (29-30 January 2015
The conference aims at exploring the impact of research on transnational
migration from the perspective of a range of disciplines in the social
sciences and humanities. Papers are welcome that answer the following
The International Metropolis Project Annual Conference, Milan (3-4 November 2014)
November 3-7, 2014, the International Metropolis Project will convene
its annual conference in Milan, Italy where we will tackle head-on
today’s most pressing migration and integration issues.
The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and the Gulf Research Centre (GRC) GLMM Explanatory note on "Demography, Migration, and Labour Market in Qatar" by Françoise De Bel-Air
Françoise De Bel-Air, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, specialist of political demography of Arab countries
A new Migration Policy Institute Europe report "Decentralising Immigrant Integration: Denmark's mainstreaming initiatives in employment, education, and social affairs"
The topic of immigrant integration has been highly
politicised in Denmark, and has been decisive for the outcome of
elections. Denmark was among the first European countries to develop and
implement a comprehensive Act of Integration, in 1998. It was
also among the first to centralise the coordination of integration
efforts in one ministry, collecting competences from the various
ministries and agencies previously responsible for integration efforts.
New publication " Impacts of the Recent Economic Crisis (2008-2009) on International Migration"
North America, under the leadership Silvia Núñez García, Mónica Verea,
and Elaine Levine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, held a
They have released a book based upon the presentations of this seminar.
The issues covered are fascinating and the quality of the chapters is
very high.
You can find more information about the publication at:
The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and the Gulf Research Centre (GRC) Explanatory note on "The Story of Remittance Flows from the GCC Countries" by George Naufal
George Naufal, Associate Professor of Economics at the American
University of Sharjah and research fellow at the Institute for the Study
of Labor (IZA), and Ismail H. Genc, Professor of Economics and Head of
the Economics Department at the American University of Sharjah.
Conference "Mobility in Crisis: Is Europe becoming more mobile during the economic crisis or is European mobility in crisis?" (29-30 January 2015)
EUI and IMISCOE are jointly organizing an event on "Mobility in Crisis: Is Europe becoming more mobile during the economic crisis or is European mobility in crisis?". This
event is to take place on 29-30 January 2015 at the European
University Institute in Florence. Deadline for paper proposals is
September 30th.
The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry "The Missed Opportunity of the “Ypres Guidelines” of the European Council Regarding Immigration and Asylum" by Philippe De Bruycker
On 27 June 2014 the European Council adopted the strategic guidelines for the legislative and operational planning of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
during the period 2014-2020.
Nabór artykułów do tematycznego wydania Kwartalnika Naukowego OAP UW „e-Politikon”
Redakcja Kwartalnika Naukowego OAP UW „e-Politikon” serdecznie zaprasza
do nadsyłania artykułów naukowych do kolejnego tematycznego wydania,
które zostanie poświęcone problematyce samorządu terytorialnego.
IV Kongres Polskich Towarzystw Naukowych na Obczyźnie (4-7.09.2014)
W dniach 4-7 września 2014 roku odbędzie się w Krakowie IV Kongres Polskich Towarzystw Naukowych na Obczyźnie. Obrady toczyć się będą na temat NOWOCZESNE NAUCZANIE TRADYCJI OJCZYSTYCH - SYBIRACY I MŁODZIEŻ.
New MPI Report "Mainstreaming Immigrant Integration Policy in France: Education, Employment, and Social Cohesion Initiatives"
France is in the midst of reforming its immigrant
integration policies, which are directed at new arrivals of immigrants
to the country. In addition, the government is making new investments
into targeted neighbourhood and workforce programmes that could have a
significant, though indirect, benefit for the French population of
immigrant background. This is a more significant development than it
first appears.
New MPI Europe Report "Coordinating immigrant integration in Germany: Mainstreaming at the federal and local levels"
'Mainstreaming,' the practice of reaching people with
a migration background through social programming and policies that
address the needs of the general population, is gaining policy traction
in Europe. Interestingly, however, the concept of embedding immigrant
integration into mainstream policy areas such as education, employment,
housing, and social cohesion has yet to become part of the discourse in