New MPC Blog entry: "Terrorist attacks in Paris and migration: are they linked?" by Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre

The terrorist attacks in which 17 innocents were killed in Paris between Wednesday 7 and Friday 9 January 2015 will soon reopen controversies about migration policies in Europe. To what extent are these attacks, though, really linked to migration?
Were the three perpetrators of the attacks migrants? Well, their parents were migrants, from Algeria and Senegal. But the terrorists themselves were not migrants. They were French citizens born in France. They had what is sometimes, ambiguously, called an “immigrant background”. The same applies to the French gunmen who committed killings in Montauban and Toulouse in March 2012 and in Brussels in May 2014.

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Call for papers: "Producing knowledge on migration: Methodology, epistemology", ethics International workshop, University of Paris (28-29 May 2015)

In the last twenty years, social and political interest in international migration has grown considerably. As a consequence of this interest a growing number of actors and institutions have become involved in the production of knowledge and analysis on migration issues. Beyond states and the academic community, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international actors (such as international and intergovernmental organisations), as well as ‘experts’ or think tanks, are fuelling research and debates on migration today.

Rusza nabór na stypendia w ramach Programu Stypendialnego ISP „Nauka i Społeczeństwo”

Instytut Spraw Publicznych ogłasza nabór na stypendium do Programu Polityki Migracyjnej.

Program „Nauka i Społeczeństwo” umożliwia młodym badaczom wykorzystanie ich wiedzy, pomysłów i umiejętności w służbie publicznej poprzez udział w pracach naukowo-badawczych prowadzonych przez ISP. Ideą stypendium jest przygotowanie młodych naukowców do pracy eksperckiej. Oprócz udziału w bieżącej pracy badawczej Instytutu, szczególny nacisk położony jest na rozwijanie umiejętności pisania tekstów analitycznych skierowanych do decydentów i środowisk opiniotwórczych, rozpowszechnianie prac Instytutu na konferencjach, seminariach i w środkach masowego przekazu.

Nowości wydawnicze grudzień 2014


Organiser: Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR), St.Petersburg
in cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

Keynote speakers: Elena Zdravomyslova (European University at St.Petersburg, Centre for Independent Social Research, St.Petersburg, Russia) and Mojca Pajnik (Peace Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubliana, Slovenia)

Working languages: Russian and English

Conference " Linguistic and Cultural Vividness in Eastern and Central Europe: Value and Challenges", Beregszász/Berehovo, 26-28 March 2015)

The Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute organizes the series of events 'Rákóczi Days' at the end of every March since 2006 (in alignment with the birth anniversary of the honourable Hungarian Duke, Ferenc Rákóczi), within which - besides several other events - an international academic conference is held. This academic year the 'Rákóczi Days' will take place between 23-28 March, 2015 and our conference with the title "Linguistic and Cultural Vividness in Eastern and Central Europe: Value and Challenges" will be organized.

Final programme of the conference: "Social remittances and social change in Central Europe", Warsaw (19-20 January 2015)

University of Warsaw, Main Campus, Ball Room, Tyszkiewicz‐Potocki Palace,
Warsaw, 19‐20th January 2015
Due to limited number of places, we kindly ask you to register to the conference by email at: by 10th of January 2015 at the latest.

Call for papers: the 12th IMISCOE conference "Rights, Democracy and Migration", Geneva (25-27 June 2015), panel: Impact of the recent conflict in Ukraine on migration

Panel chairs:
Yana Leontiyeva, Institute of Sociology, Academy of sciences of the Czech Republic
Ignacy Jóźwiak, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw

Olena Fedyuk, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Zaproszenie na konferencję pt.: "Problemy ekonomii, polityki ekonomicznej i finansów publicznych", Karpacz (2-4.09.2015)

Corocznie, począwszy od 2000 r., gościmy w Karpaczu przedstawicieli różnych ośrodków naukowych, którzy zajmują się w swej działalności naukowej badaniami z dziedziny ekonomii, polityki ekonomicznej i finansów publicznych.
Podobnie do lat ubiegłych organizowana przez nas w 2015 r. konferencja ma stanowić szerokie, naukowe forum służące wymianie poglądów, doświadczeń oraz koncepcji rozwiązywania współczesnych dylematów dotyczących tej sfery naukowo-badawczej oraz przyczyniać się do rozwoju polskiej myśli ekonomicznej.

Call for Papers: Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2015, Vol. 3, No. 3

The forthcoming issue will focus on IMMIGRANT AND ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Issue editor: Jan Brzozowski (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
release: September 2015
papers submitting deadline: May 30, 2015