While most young people in the European Union attain at least an upper
secondary level of education, a significant number of students leave
school early—nearly 12 percent across the 28 EU Member States in 2013.
These numbers, however, conceal important differences related to
socioeconomic status and migration background. In 2012, the early school
leaving rate of young people born outside of the European Union was, on
average, more than double that of natives (25.4 percent compared to
11.5 percent). Along with male youth in general, students with a migrant
background have become one of two groups targeted by EU policy recommendations to reduce early school leaving.
New MPI Policy Brief: "Improving Migrants' Labour Market Integration in Europe from the Outset: A Cooperative Approach to Predeparture Measures" by Maria Vincenza Desiderio and Kate Hooper
There is a growing consensus on the value of providing immigrants with
integration support at the earliest possible moment in the migration
process. Integration services provided prior to departure, such as
language instruction, training, recognition of foreign credentials, and
job skill-matching, can all have positive impacts on the labor market
outcomes of immigrants once they reach their destination—and on their
capacity to actively
contribute to the development of their country of origin.
While European policymakers as well as their counterparts in
migrant-sending countries have contributed significant political capital
and resources to predeparture integration measures over the past
decade, these initiatives generally have yet to fully realize their
potential as a tool able to durably improve migrants' labor market
integration. This is largely due to the lack of cooperation between
origin and destination countries in the design and implementation of
such measures.
Call for Papers: Special Issue of CEEMR: "In search of meanings and practices of social remittances – new data, approaches and frameworks"
Editors: Izabela Grabowska, Warsaw and Michał P. Garapich, London
More than a decade after the pioneering study and conceptualisation of social remittances by Peggy Levitt, the idea has generated a significant amount of empirical research and theoretical reflection. World moves on however, much faster than research can catch up with it and in contemporary conditions of fragmented modernity and multi-layered global interconnectedness there is a pressing need for further clarification and in-depth conceptualisation of the ways and consequences of the flow of ideas, norms and practices in transnational social fields. Is the relationship between social remittances and developmenta linear and goal-oriented assumption taken for granted, or it needs to be adapted to a specific context? What about remittances between developed countries? And what about the contradictions between the local and national effects of remittances? And where in that domain human agency exercises moth influence and why? How do we account for lack of social remittances in given situations? Clearly, time is ripe for a fresh perspective on the old question of cultural and social diffusion with an emphasis on contemporary migration dynamics.
More than a decade after the pioneering study and conceptualisation of social remittances by Peggy Levitt, the idea has generated a significant amount of empirical research and theoretical reflection. World moves on however, much faster than research can catch up with it and in contemporary conditions of fragmented modernity and multi-layered global interconnectedness there is a pressing need for further clarification and in-depth conceptualisation of the ways and consequences of the flow of ideas, norms and practices in transnational social fields. Is the relationship between social remittances and developmenta linear and goal-oriented assumption taken for granted, or it needs to be adapted to a specific context? What about remittances between developed countries? And what about the contradictions between the local and national effects of remittances? And where in that domain human agency exercises moth influence and why? How do we account for lack of social remittances in given situations? Clearly, time is ripe for a fresh perspective on the old question of cultural and social diffusion with an emphasis on contemporary migration dynamics.
New Issue of Central and Eastern European Migration Review: "A Decade of EU Enlargement: A Changing Framework and Patterns of Migration", Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2014
The current Issue is available at:
New MPI Policy Brief " Migrant Education and Community Inclusion: Examples of Good Practice" by Rafael Berger Sacramento
Besides teachers and tutors, a number of people will have the chance to play important roles in the social and educational development
of young learners. Parents, peers, and other community actors outside
the formal educational context can provide direct academic help, as well
as offer support in addressing interpersonal issues and serve as role
models motivating children in their educational path and furthering
their involvement in society. Migrant communities and parents often have
high aspirations for their children, and can provide emotional support
that will help students in school matters and general life issues.
Call for papers - IV Multidisciplinary International Conference on Educational Research. Issue: Multiculturalism and Ethnic Minorities
Due to participants request CIMIE has extended the deadline until the 19th of February. We would be delighted of receiving your proposals.
http://amieedu.org/cimie/en/ comunicaciones/
International Symposium "Employment and Social Inclusion in Europe: Ways Forward for the Young Jobless Generation", Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Belgium (24 March 2015)
According to the European
Commission, unemployment reached 24.6 million people in August 2014, out
of which 5 million are aged 15 and 24. Millions of youngsters across
Europe are struggling to find a job or to further their education,
facing a world from which they increasingly feel disconnected with. The
economic recession has forced many to accept unpaid internships or
become long-term unemployed – which leads to a lack of confidence,
social exclusion, poorer health, depression and even suicide.
Nowy raport Stowarzyszenia "NOMADA" pt.:“Wykluczenie systemowe a integracja. Sytuacja Romów rumuńskich mieszkających we Wrocławiu”
Dostępny jest nowy raport opublikowany przez Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Integracji
Społeczeństwa Wielokulturowego NOMADA, pt.: “Wykluczenie systemowe a
integracja. Sytuacja Romów rumuńskich mieszkających we Wrocławiu”:
http://issuu.com/stow.nomada/ docs/raport__nomada_roma_ grudzien_2014
Call for applications – Expert Group Economic Migration
European Commission's Directorate General for Migration and Home
Affairs has decided to set up a (non EMN) expert group on economic
migration. The aim of the group is to provide expertise on a range of
issues related to economic migration of third country nationals to the
European Union, with a view to contribute to the elaboration of a new
European policy on legal migration and a review of the Blue Card
Directive. The Commission is therefore calling for applications with a
view to selecting members of the groups of experts.
Deadline for applications: 20 February 2015