Cutting Edge Training Programme for Migration and Integration Professionals: Inaugurated in Canada’s Capital (23-29 June 2014)

Ottawa, 10 April 2014 The Metropolis Project (Carleton University) has mobilized top Canadian and international expertise on migration and integration to offer a one of a kind training programme for Canadian and international senior policy makers, practitioners and the business sector.  
The programme has been developed in close collaboration with an international Experts Advisory Committee, including Graeme Hugo (University of Adelaide), Jan Niessen (Migration Policy Group), Imelda Nicolas (Commission of Filipinos Overseas) and Peter Schatzer (IOM) among many others. 

The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry: Care work and the feminization of labour migration to Italy through the current economic crisis by Anna Di Bartolomeo, Research Fellow at the MPC, and Sabrina Marchetti, Jean Monnet Fellow at the Global Governance Programme, RSCAS, EUI

This post argues that what is happening in the current Italian economic crisis replicates tendencies already observed in the crises of the past century that challenge the predominant argument of “women as a reserve army”. Scholars have, indeed, shown how already during the Great Depression until the most recent 1997 Asian financial crisis, women labour participation did not follow the expectation of those who saw the female workforce as being welcomed in times of expansion, but rejected in economic contractions. On the contrary, the women labour participation rate has increased without any kind of job competition with men since men and women are normally hired following different patterns. This post enlarges the perspective of the risk of a male-female competition to a competition between foreign and Italian women, in times of crisis.

Tne new IOM publication: Migration Policy Practice (Volume IV, Number 1, February-March 2014)

The new issue of Migration Policy Practice focuses on a broad range of national, regional and global migration policy areas. 

The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry: Demographic and Geopolitical Imperatives need to Drive a new Approach to Migration Policy by Kathryn Lum, Research Fellow at the MPC

A recently held national workshop on migration in Naples, entitled " L’Europa e le Politiche di Migrazione” (Europe and Migration Policies), gathered a group of academics, civil servants, media and NGO representatives to discuss how to improve migration policy and governance, with a special focus on the Mediterranean region. The lively debate about how to shape policy to deal with Europe´s demographic and geopolitical challenges resulted in both disagreement, as well as a number of concrete proposals for moving forward. This blog entry discusses the main points that were addressed and the solutions proposed. Despite heated debate, the vast majority of participants agreed that new directions and approaches to migration are needed if Europe is to contain its looming demographic crisis, as well as maintain its geopolitical weight in the world.

The new IOM publication: MRS N°48 - Mobility of Health Professionals to, from and within the European Union

This publication is a shortened version of the summary report “Mobility of Health Professionals: Health systems, work conditions, patterns of health workers' mobility and implication for policy makers”, which was published in March 2012, in Bonn, Germany, by a consortium led by Dr. Caren Weilandt at the Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands (WIAD, Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors). 

The new MPC Policy Brief: Ukraine’s key migration challenges and opportunities by the CARIM-East team

In the past twenty years Ukraine’s population decreased. Emigration has only contributed to the negative population dynamics and also resulted in the ‘brain drain’, where many specialists whose skills are in global demand have left Ukraine. Nevertheless, the post-Soviet Ukraine has had some positive developments in the migration sphere. The government was able to address several challenges, including creating migration legislation from scratch, establishing the State Border Guard Service as well as working with the EU in negotiating, adopting and implementing the Readmission Agreement. One of the key issues on the EU-Ukraine agenda concerning migration is an agreement that would allow Ukrainians to travel for short-term visits to Europe without visas. Researchers do not expect that such visa-free travel would lead to a substantial increase in illegal migration. To the contrary, it is expected that a visa-free regime will stimulate greater tourism and business links between Ukraine and EU Member States.

The new MPC Policy Brief: The Integration of Migrants in Russia: Why Does Tension Continue to Grow? by the CARIM-East team

During the last 2-3 years, the integration (or rather non-integration) of migrants has become the burning issue of Russian migration. The reason has its roots in the growth of inter-ethnic tension and manifestations of open nationalism, which are in turn the result of people’s wider discontent with social inequality and administrative dereliction combined with a crisis in national self-identification. Ineffective migration management, resulting in wide-scale irregular migration, exasperates Russian society and fuels social strain.

Zaproszenie na międzynarodową konferencję pt.: "Transgraniczność w perpsktywie socjologicznej IX. Pogranicza i centra współczesnej Europy", Zielona Góra, (22-24 października 2014)

W 2014 roku Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego obchodził będzie swoje 20-lecie. Od początku istnienia tego ośrodka, przede wszystkim z uwagi na bliskość granicy polsko-niemieckiej, w projektach naukowych podjęto problematykę mieszczącą się w szeroko rozumianej socjologii pogranicza. Od 1996 roku organizowane były cykliczne konferencje „Transgraniczność w perspektywie socjologicznej” skupiające naukowców i specjalistów różnych dziedzin, przede wszystkim z socjologii, z Polski i zza granicy. Dotychczas opublikowano osiem tomów w serii monograficznej pod tym tytułem. 

Zaproszenie na międzynarodową konferencję pt.: "M.D. – Migrating Doctors?. Migracje lekarzy w Europie dawniej i dziś”, Jaworz, (26-28 września 2014 r.)

Konferencja otwarta jest dla wszystkich grup zawodowych, zainteresowanych problematyką migracji lekarzy, organizacji służby zdrowia czy pracy z pacjentami z innej kultury. Zapraszamy zatem ludzi nauki, zarówno przedstawicieli nauk medycznych, jak też społecznych i humanistycznych, lekarzy praktyków, pracowników ochrony zdrowia, terapeutów etc. W trakcie konferencji chcemy podyskutować nad wyzwaniami jakie stoją przed lekarzami i opieką zdrowotną w warunkach wielokulturowości. 

Nowości wydawnicze kwiecień

CALL FOR PAPERS: European Sociological Association, RN31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism, University of Vienna (4–5 September 2014)

The ESA Research Network 31: Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism invites submissions of papers for its biannual mid-term conference. The conference will be held from 4 to 5 September 2014 at the University of Vienna. 

The New Issue of Migration Policy Practice (Volume IV, Number 1, February –March 2014)

The new issue of Migration Policy Practice focuses on a broad range of national, regional and global migration policy areas. 

Metropolis 2014: Registration for the Conference is now open!

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the registration for the 2014 International Metropolis Conference is now open ( The international forum on immigration will take place in Milan from November the 3rd to November the 7th, 2014. Who registers before July the 15th, 2014, will benefit of discounted admission fees (
To register, please fill in the online form available at:
Those who pre-registered will shortly receive an email with instructions in order to complete the registration.

Call for papers: International conference on Media and Popular Culture, Vienna, Austria (30-31.05.2014)

In an increasingly inter-dependent and globalized world, members of Diaspora no longer feels alienated from their countries of origin. With the growth of Internet, people can stay in touch with their families, as well as staying tuned on what is going on in their homelands. Diaspora is also often pro-active in political engagement, in their countries by regularly following political and social events, and making comments in public forums and on media articles.

Job opportunities in the Department of Geography at University College London, UK

1) A Lectureship in Human Geography with a preference for expertise complementing that of existing staff in the department, the department is particularly interested in candidates with expertise in migration. 

2) A Lectureship in Geospatial Big Data Analysis

Further details for both posts at the link below, closing dates for applications are 25 April 2014.  

PhD Candidate in “Borders, memories and diasporic communities" within the Border Poetics/Border Culture research group at the Institute for Literature and Culture.

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, has a PhD position vacant for applicants who wish to obtain the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD). The PhD position is for a fixed term: 4 years. 

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity) wishes to appoint highly qualified candidates for a number of research positions.

For all the positions, applicants should have a degree in anthropology, sociology, political science, geography, socio-linguistics or another relevant social science. Successful applicants’ research interests, experience and publications should be relevant to themes and topics within the Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity (see 

CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal of Mixed Methods Research – Special Issue "Mixed methods in migration research: epistemological foundations, methodological challenges, practical applications"

Although mixed methods play an important role in the field of migration research, there has been very little discussion on the epistemological and methodological foundations, benefits, challenges, and implications of mixed methods research in migration research. 

Dyskusja Fundacji im. Stefana Batorego: Ukraina w stanie resetu. O Majdanie, Antymajdanie i kraju, który potrzebuje zmian – z Serhijem Żadanem rozmawiać będzie Bogumiła Berdychowska

Serhij Żadan to jeden z najwybitniejszych ukraińskich pisarzy, dobrze znany także w Polsce. Jednak nie o literaturze chcemy z nim rozmawiać, lecz o niedawnych wydarzeniach na Ukrainie, o Majdanie widzianym z perspektywy wschodu tego kraju, z Charkowa. O tamtejszych Euromajdanie (w którym pisarz uczestniczył) i o charkowskim Antymajdanie. O podziałach społecznych, kulturowych i językowych. Relacjach centrum-ukraińskie peryferia, ukraińskość-rosyjskość i lękach obecnych na wschodzie Ukrainy.    

CALL FOR PAPERS: CBEES Annual Conference 2014 "Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe: A new generation on the move", Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic Sea Region and Eastern European Studies (CBEES), December 4-5

1989 is an important date in the history of Central and Eastern Europe. Since the collapse
of state socialism this date has become a marker for a break in historical continuity and a starting point for a whole range of research on processes and developments labeled as ‘post- socialist’, in ‘transition’ or ‘transformation’. The point of departure for this multidisciplinary conference is the different processes—economic, social, cultural, political and ecological— that have been taking place in the area since the collapse of state socialism. In particular, it seeks to focus on the present, by looking closer at the past and forward to the future.

Seminarium Ośrodka Badań nad Migracjami UW, 8.04.2014

Tytuł: "Analiza transferów prywatnych, stanu zdrowia i ryzyka zgonu w ostatnich latach życia"
Referat wygłoszą: dr Anna Nicińska i dr Małgorzata Kalbarczyk-Stęclik, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW

The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry: Why bother with migrant support measures? By Iván Martín, Part-time Professor at the MPC, MISMES Project Coordinator

The new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Blog entry: Raising questions over the Swiss vote against mass immigration – A Policy Brief by Prof. Vincent Chetail, Graduate Institute Geneva


Podobnie do lat ubiegłych organizowana w 2014 r. konferencja ma stanowić szerokie, naukowe forum służące wymianie poglądów, doświadczeń oraz koncepcji rozwiązywania współczesnych dylematów dotyczących tej sfery naukowo-badawczej oraz przyczyniać się do rozwoju polskiej myśli ekonomicznej.

Beyond targeted policies: New MPI Europe report examines the next generation of immigrant integration policymaking

BRUSSELS — Amid ongoing, sometimes fraught, debate over the presumed failure of targeted policies to integrate immigrants linguistically, educationally and professionally into communities across western Europe, a quiet policy transformation is taking place. Governments gradually are realising that while immigrant integration policy is essential, particularly for recent arrivals, it is insufficient in the long run to achieve the full educational and economic potential and societal participation of immigrants and citizens with an immigrant background. 

Call for Applications: 10th Migration Summer School: Framing Migration Differently: From Implicit Problem to Implied Asset, Florence, Italy, 23 June - 4 July

International migration has become an all-important issue for the world as a whole, and for the European Union and its neighbourhood in particular. If you are interested in studying migration from a number of different disciplinary perspectives, critically interrogating some of the subtle assumptions underlying much contemporary academic, political and media debate on migration and re-framing how we view and speak about migration, why not join the 10th Migration Summer School?

A Special Issue of Migration Studies

Migration Studies, published by Oxford University Press, invites proposals for a Special Issue on themes of enduring significance in the study of human migration. In 2015, the journal aims to publish a guest-edited, thematically coherent collection of approximately six articles of 7-9000 words in length, based on original, unpublished research on a topic of importance to the interdisciplinary field of migration studies. 

PREMIG inspired special section of International Migration

Seven articles have now been accepted for publication in the journal International Migration ( as a special section on return migration and transnationalism. 

Konferencja Naukowa "Polityka etniczna: teorie, koncepcje, wyzwania", 9-10 września 2014

Do udziału w konferencji zapraszamy pracowników naukowych oraz innych specjalistów zajmujących się problematyką etniczną i politykami szczegółowymi/publicznymi, pochodzących z Polski i innych państw. Jej celem jest również integracja badaczy tej problematyki oraz  wykreowanie zespołów mogących aspirować do grantów i projektów. 

MPI Launches Research Project Examining the Labor Market Trajectories and Integration of New Immigrants in Europe

WASHINGTON — The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) today launched the first in a series of case studies evaluating the labor market trajectories of new immigrants in Europe and their ability to ascend into middle-skilled jobs, examining the incorporation of foreign-born workers in the Czech Republic. 

IV Międzynarodowa Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Polonijna: Wschodnie i zachodnie emigracyjne szlaki Polaków. Ślady polonijnej obecności w kulturach świata – dziedzictwo duchowe: kulturowe i cywilizacyjne, Poznań: 20 – 21 listopada 2014 roku

20-21 XI 2014 roku w Poznaniu będzie miała miejsce czwarta edycja, corocznie organizowana, konferencja poświęcona Polonii i polskiemu wychodźstwu, emigracji, pt.: Wschodnie i zachodnie emigracyjne szlaki Polaków. Przemierzając bogate i wielowątkowe obszary poznawcze tematyki polonijnej i polskiej kulturowości pragniemy się skupić na aktualności procesu wychodźczo-emigracyjnego i jednocześnie obecności emigracyjnej Polonii w społecznościach świata wraz z jej więzią kulturową z ojczyźnianym matecznikiem. Zastanowimy się nad fenomenem i zarazem dramatem polskiej emigracji, wychodźstwa, nad istotą odmienności polskiej obecności pośród narodów i społeczeństw świata.

Call for panels, workshops and papers: 11th IMISCOE annual conference: "Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation” 27-28-29th August 2014, Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM), Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid

The 11th IMISCOE Conference welcomes contributions from scholars of various disciplines, on all aspects of migration, integration and ethnic studies. Submissions directly related to the conference theme are welcome as well as those on other topics in the broad field of migration studies. 

Call for Papers: Annual BAGSS Conference (ABC): Migration and Integration Research University of Bamberg, Germany, July 14-15, 2014

The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) invites contributions to its first interdisciplinary Ph.D. Conference on ‘Migration and Integration’ to be held on July 14-15 in Bamberg, Germany.

Migration Policy Institute Launches Redesign of its Website, Offers Wider Range of User-Friendly Data Visualizations and Improved Navigation

WASHINGTON — The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) today announced the launch of a completely redesigned website for MPI and its online journal, the Migration Information Source. The new website provides a significantly more user-friendly experience with improved navigation, richer visualization of data offerings and the ability to find research, multimedia content and articles by topic, region and other criteria.

A new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and the Gulf Research Centre (GRC) Explanatory note on: Demography, Migration and Labour Market in Saudi Arabia, by Francoise De Bel-Air, researcher and consultant, specialist of political demography of Arab countries

A new Migration Policy Centre (MPC) Policy Brief: Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, But How? By Philippe Fargues, Director of the MPC
